All perovskites articles
All-inorganic perovskite solar cells excel with stabilising ligand
The addition of a hydrazide facilitates film formation and fosters stability of tandem solar cells
1D perovskites break free from 2D sheets and could enable production of cheap lasers
Nanowire perovskites offer path to low-cost sensors
First entirely roll-to-roll system points way to cheap printed perovskite solar cells
New ink formulations facilitate printing of perovskite solar cells, catalysing cost-effective commercial applications
Photoluminescent 3D printer inks made with crown-ether-stabilised perovskites
Light-emitting miniature Eiffel Towers made with perovskite-containing inks
Fluorinated ligands stabilise perovskite solar cells
Findings offer new insight into how coatings interact with perovskites
Painstakingly curated perovskite database of over 40,000 devices set to speed up solar research
Gargantuan task of manually curating huge open-access platform could pay dividends by accelerating the discovery of new photoactive materials
Perovskite frozen in MOF glass glows in rainbow colours
Porous material preserves lead halide perovskite’s luminescent form while tailoring emission colour
Iodine revealed to be killer species that destroys tin-based perovskites
New insights into the mechanism that inactivates tin solar cells could lead to greener, more efficient devices
New family of glasses made from molten hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite
Materials could find uses in energy sector
First atom-thick perovskites show there’s no limits to crystallinity
Could 2D perovskite oxides become the next graphene?
Perovskites beyond solar cells
From solar cells and LEDs to catalysts and quantum computing, James Mitchell Crow asks if there is anything perovskites can’t do
Mapping the mysteries of pervoskite solar cell hysteresis
Caught on camera: interfacial stabilisation observed causing hysteresis means mobile ion migration is off the hook
How perovskites can live long and prosper
The future of solar cells depends on better stability testing
Next-generation invisible ink revealed
Reversible reaction transforms MOF messages into glowing perovskite crystals
Chemistry Nobel predictions range from perovskites to Crispr
Clarivate’s citation laureates name C–H functionalisation, perovskites and catalysis as Nobel contenders, while others favour Crispr or batteries
Molecular movie exposes perovskite solar cell’s inner workings
Electron camera may help uncover why perovskites are efficient light-harvesters
Perovskite quantum dots boost artificial photosynthesis
Perovskite and graphene combined to enhance photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide
Dip coating to solve perovskite moisture sensitivity
Replacing ions in surface layer may help promising solar cells to maintain moisture stability
Stable caesium-doped perovskites boost silicon solar cells
Caesium may help to eliminate problem of halide segregation in perovskites