All public attitudes articles
In science we trust
The questions is how can scientists maintain that faith and keep the fire burning?
Study paints upbeat picture of global trust in science
But inequality and erosion of trust in public institutions linked to mistrust of science
Storytelling matters in science
Communicating ideas needs a narrative to get the point across
The hot topics in chemistry after six years of Critical Point
In his final column, Mark Peplow gives his verdict on careers, collaboration and public engagement
Can we wait for e-cigarette trials?
Safety data is needed but is not a reason to ignore vaping now, says Thomas Hartung
Failure to allay public concerns hobbling UK fracking
More facts, data and technical assessments won’t soothe worries when people want greater public debate of risks and benefits
Poll finds majority of scientists engaging with public
AAAS members taking to social media and blogs to help inform science and technology discourse
Para-xylene plants face uphill struggle for acceptance in China
Chemistry students come to defence of latest project’s safety but government and industry are failing to talk to the public about risk
What are you afraid of?
The public’s mistrust of ‘chemicals’ will take great efforts to repair. Katharine Sanderson looks at the ‘c’-word
Silicone safety: the status quo
Public alarm over the use of silicone is unwarranted, says Alan Lansdown