All articles by Tim Wogan – Page 4
3D-printed single-atom catalysts brings industry use closer
Printing technique could allow more widespread application of exceptional catalytic particles
Ionic cooling offers way to end greenhouse gas use in refrigeration
A refrigeration cycle based on dissolving a salt could be a more environmentally-friendly method of cooling
Algorithm produces one of the best solutions to molecules’ Schrödinger equations yet
But aggressive ‘pre-training’ actually damages its predictive powers
Warming gold nanofilm can stop glasses fogging-up
Coating that absorbs sun’s infrared light could end steamed up lenses
Machine learning massively speeds up scouring of periodic table for stable structures
Algorithm investigated 31 million crystal structures with calculations taking seconds instead of hours
Powerful rare-earth free magnet ‘evolved’ and refined by machine learning algorithm
Combination of iron, cobalt and boron points to alternatives to metals beset by geopolitical battles
AI beats human experts when it comes to peptide design
Algorithm throws up some counter-intuitive structures in contest
Homogeneous catalysis boosted by electrochemical recovery of precious metal complexes
Process can recover metals from industrially important catalysts
Bond switching stops hard ceramic from cracking under stress
Deformable silicon nitride absorbs compression stress through gradual phase change
Machine learning navigates vast materials space to discover new high-performance alloys
Neural net suggested unusual element combination to create better Invar alloys
Explainer: How do sunscreens safely protect our skin?
And which is best – inorganic or organic sunscreens?
Diamond capsules allow ambient analysis of high-pressure samples
Crystalline forms of argon and neon can now be analysed using techniques that would previously have been impossible
Electrons become chiral reagent in polymer synthesis
Chiral polymer made from completely achiral chemicals using only electrons’ angular momentum
Visualising sigma orbitals opens path to new understanding of surface chemistry
Photoemisssion orbital tomography extended beyond pi orbitals
Metallic deuterium made at pressures rivalling those found at the centre of a planet
Synthesis could aid study of high-pressure superconductors
Highly stable aerogel could protect firefighters and spacecraft from extreme heat
Amorphous structure studded with nanocrystals survives stress and strain that would break an ordinary aerogel
Liquid metal boosts platinum catalyst’s activity 1000 times
Gallium containing single platinum atoms outperforms solid platinum catalysts in electrochemical methanol oxidation
Organometallic boost pushes perovskite solar cells to record efficiency, stability
Device survives 1000 hours of solar illumination with minimal power loss bringing commercialisation of cheaper cells closer
Spotlight shone on sped up photochemical reactions in droplets
Light can produce ‘hot spots’ in aerosols that supercharge reaction rates
Radiation discovered to be a major overlooked source of natural gas generation in shales
Uranium and thorium may be responsible for producing a significant portion of hydrocarbons in some fracking wells