All american chemical society articles
Publishers settle copyright infringement lawsuit with ResearchGate
Elsevier and the American Chemical Society resolve ongoing claims with an automated check on papers’ copyright status
Community voices concerns over American Chemical Society magazine
Board members’ open letter warns of ‘detrimental changes’ after restructure at C&EN
American Chemical Society’s analysis of diversity in its journals confirms an ‘imbalance’
Among journal authors, reviewers and editors, men outnumber women by at least two-to-one
ResearchGate pulls 200,000 files from its site, amid publisher pressure
Elsevier and ACS demanded removal of number of research articles for infringing copyright
Chemistry conferences look to become more family-friendly
Childcare services and dedicated family spaces help remove the stigma around caregivers attending scientific meetings
Lab safety challenges persist 10 years after Sheri Sangji’s death
Survey reveals that safety is taken seriously at top US universities but worrying gaps still remain
Republican tax bill backed by industry but not science
Chemical industry says tax overhaul will be fairer, but science groups warn that it will harm research
ResearchGate bows to pressure from publishers on copyrighted material
Networking site has moved 1.7 million journal articles from five major publishers so they are no longer accessible to the public
Latest legal defeat unlikely to scuttle Sci-Hub
American Chemical Society wins $4.8 million lawsuit against pirate site and may be able to stop internet search engines from featuring its stolen content
American Chemical Society files lawsuit against pirate site
Society complaint alleges copyright infringement and spoofing of its website
Chemical societies must adapt – here's how to do it
Member organisations need to change their approach to be fit for the 21st century
Chemistry journals come up short on safety
Only 8% of journals surveyed address safety in author guidelines and potentially dangerous work often includes no warnings
American Chemical Society takes a stand for safety
Sheri Sangji’s sister’s call may have spurred the society to develop a safety policy statement
Chemistry preprint server plan generates sparks
The American Chemical Society’s chemistry preprint server scheme has caused concern in some quarters
US employment picture brightens for chemists
American Chemical Society salary data shows unemployment dropped for chemists and chemical engineers in 2013
Spicing up water purification
Coriander leaves can be useful for more than just curries, find undergraduate students
Call to overhaul liver toxicity testing
Outdated tests could be causing drug candidates to be scrapped without reason, say scientists
Mosquito repellents from skin secretions
The smell of people who don’t get bitten by mosquitoes so often might help those of us that do