The Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre in Savile Row, London, was used for RSC lectures for many years


The Savile Row lecture theatre in 1970

The new Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre is now ready for use. It has been constructed at a cost of some £50,000 at Fortress House, 23 Savile Row, London. It represents the final stage in the programme for rehousing the scientific societies in Burlington House and the construction has been undertaken by the Chemical Society with the assistance of £20,000 from HM Government. Seating is available for more than 250 people and facilities are up to the most advanced standards in visual and oral presentation. In particular, acoustics are very good, although a multitude of electronic equipment is available for amplification and recording. The theatre is managed by the Chemical Society.

Chemistry in Britain (April 1970)

Ed. This lecture theatre was regularly used for Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) lectures for many years. Now completely refurbished, it has been the English Heritage Lecture Theatre since 2003. RSC lectures currently take place at the society’s UK headquarters at Burlington House, London.