All remote working articles
Chemists amid coronavirus five years on: Lee Cronin
A University of Glasgow chemist describes how Covid-19 helped establish the principle of chemputation and spur a chemistry revolution
When scientific conferences went online, diversity and inclusion soared
New data show that female attendance at virtual science and engineering meetings grew by as much as 253%, and gender queer scientist attendance jumped 700%
The conference conundrum
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, is it time to rethink events for good?
Is hybrid working sustainable?
The environmental impacts of working from home part of the week vary
How Covid-19 has changed us
While the pandemic has introduced more efficient and global ways of working, researchers and educators still have challenges to overcome
Remotely of value?
The benefits and drawbacks of working or studying from home are not clear cut
How the pandemic might change drug research
Derek Lowe muses on some positive lessons learned
Chemists amid coronavirus: 2020 in review
How the pandemic has changed the way we live and work around the world
Chemists amid coronavirus: Thomas Hartung
A biochemist at Johns Hopkins recounts how his lab pivoted to tackle Covid-19 with mini-brains, and how his love of gadgets has helped
Chemists amid coronavirus: Pierre-Edouard Danjou
A French organic chemist says Covid-19 caused a ‘big blow’ to his research, yet he published insights gained by remote teaching chemistry
Chemists amid coronavirus: Philippa Ojimelukwe
A Nigerian chemist worries as her university and others in the country remain closed due to the pandemic and an academic strike
Chemists amid coronavirus: Anton Toutov
Fuzionaire’s cofounder and chief scientist reflects on how Covid-19 has affected his growing company
Chemists amid coronavirus: Omar Farha
An MOF pioneer has just reopened his lab at Northwestern University after more than two months, with new social distancing precautions
Looking after children and your career
With the right support, a research career and childcare can be balanced – even in lockdown
Flexible working – Building a better chemistry culture
Join us to explore the challenges and opportunities that come from flexible working environments
Chemists amid coronavirus: Liane Rossi
The head of a nanomaterials and catalysis lab at the University of São Paulo says the political situation in Brazil is ‘as bad as the virus’
Chemists amid coronavirus: Lee Cronin
A University of Glasgow chemist finds that it’s no easy task to maintain a research group of about 70 during a pandemic that’s closed your lab
Chemists amid coronavirus: James Canary
The chair of NYU’s chemistry department says research is ‘completely interrupted’ in his lab and his senior graduate student is stuck in China