All air pollution articles – Page 2
Delhi’s air pollution headaches a microcosm of India’s own problems
Multi-pronged approach needed to bring smog under control
Every breath you take
Nina Notman meets the chemists looking to clear the air around indoor air pollution
Record-breaking laser technique detects gas at parts per quadrillion
Three different resonances enable photoacoustic gas detection with unprecedented accuracy
Government releases plan to tackle nitrogen dioxide pollution
Draft air quality plan aims to bring UK emissions back down to legal levels
Unexpected levels of monoterpenes found in UK homes
Overusing household cleaners may reduce indoor air quality
Excess VW emissions could cause 1200 deaths
Nitrogen oxides pollution from cars with emissions cheating devices could mean some die a decade earlier
Urban air pollution
Nina Notman meets the chemists breathing fresh air into urban air pollution research
Giant vacuum cleaner to suck up pollution
Rooftop system designed to filter toxic particles from city smog
London mayor reveals plan to tackle pollution
Tough new measures include a £10 emissions charge in central London for the most polluting vehicles
Air pollution model predicts 6.6 million deaths by 2050
‘Business as usual’ scenarios suggest toxic emissions could kill millions of people in the near future
Life of grime for atmospheric chemistry
Urban grime releases harmful pollutants when exposed to sunlight
Hungry Ghost festival behind annual air quality decline in Singapore
Findings suggest that regulatory monitoring may be required
US expands pollution monitoring to its embassies
International air quality programme will provide real-time data from US diplomatic posts around the world
US moves to tighten ozone limits
Industry and Republicans pushback against the EPA’s proposal to strengthen air quality standards
Environmental priorities stymie hunt for stubborn ozone depleter
Scientists are struggling for resources to explain why carbon tetrachloride levels in the air are higher than expected
China gets tough with polluters
Amendments to country’s 25-year-old environment law paves the way for unlimited fines for environmental damage
China to spend billions tackling pollution
New scheme will boost the nation’s rapidly emerging environmental industry
London mayor accused over dust suppressants
European commission investigating whether technology was used to ‘hide’ high levels of pollution in the city
China’s next leader looks to soothe environmental angst
Xi Jinping, China’s president-in-waiting, will need to deal with public anger over industrialisation and pollution
Battle over US environment agency's human studies
EPA accused of supporting clinical trials that expose study subjects to airborne particles at unsafe levels
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