All allotropes articles
Letters: June 2024
Readers find answers in industry, celebrate Eiji Osawa and continue the Z-DNA debate
Allotrope or not?
Loose terminology causes disquiet among guardians of the chemical nomenclature
Carbon’s allotrope explosion demonstrates how the element is both versatile and fickle
New all carbon materials are relatively easy to predict but challenging, if not impossible to make, experts tell Andy Extance
How a new carbon allotrope could change the definition of aromaticity
New experiments are uncovering the secrets of cyclocarbons – molecular forms of pure carbon that had eluded chemists for decades
Carbon’s anti-aromatic allotrope is ringing the changes
The first synthesis of an anti-aromatic ring of pure carbon using atom manipulation
New allotrope of carbon synthesised
‘Superatomic’ cousin of graphene is made of linked fullerene subunits, and could spawn designer nanomaterials
New carbon allotrope predicted to hit bandgap sweet spot
Mixed hybridisations of carbon could see Me-graphene have a Poisson’s ratio close to zero
New high pressure allotrope of nitrogen solves a chemical mystery
‘Black nitrogen’ shares similarities with other elements in its group on the periodic table – answering the question of why nitrogen normally doesn’t
New form of pure carbon made by manipulating atoms
Elusive 18-carbon ring pinned down on surface
Carbon bubble-wrap could be packed with interesting behaviour
Theoretical chemists devise nanoscale version of satisfyingly interactive packaging material
Microwaving black phosphorus reveals novel properties
Electromagnetic studies offer new potential uses for this elusive allotrope
‘Pink phosphorus’ caged in carbon nanotubes
Highly reactive white phosphorus seen linking up to make new 1D form on way to red allotrope of the element
Shortest double-walled nanotube made
Cyclic aromatic compounds assembled into Russian doll complexes expand menagerie of curious carbon structures
Stable polynitrogen synthesis first blows everyone away
Creation of five-membered aromatic nitrogen ring opens door to new highly energetic rocket fuels and explosives
Anvil cell squeezes carbon into hexagonal diamond
Team makes rare diamond only ever found before in meteorite craters
A nanocarbon revolution
Twenty years on from the Nobel prize for fullerenes chemists pay tribute to the field Harry Kroto helped to launch
A new recipe for black phosphorus
Chemists develop a new method to produce supported black phosphorus with applications in catalysis