Community-driven network will allow scientists to share ideas and post pre-peer review papers

Scientific publishing giant Elsevier has launched the Chemistry Research Network (ChemRN), a platform for scientists to share early stage research, build collaborations and publish their work prior to peer review.

The server is part of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Elsevier acquired the open access repository in May 2016, and launched its first natural science section in June 2017. Since then, the Biology Research Network has amassed 5,000 preprint publications, which readers can post and access for free.

‘Our network for biology research has been a huge success,’ said SSRN managing director Gregg Gordon. ‘[ChemRN] will make it easier for users to have the latest chemistry research at their fingertips and easily collaborate.’

ChemRN currently hosts 10 electronic journals, many of which contain already thousands of older preprints and open access papers from other publishers. All fields of chemistry are covered, including energy, environmental and materials sciences.