All Brexit articles – Page 3
Divergent reality
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the two will inevitably drift further apart
What might Brexit mean for industry?
Questions hang over regulation, trade, talent and investment
How Brexit uncertainty affected my research group
In 2016 there were nine of us. By 2018 there were three
‘No deal’ Brexit would leave UK without environmental watchdog for two years
Environment, energy and health among areas where nation could be caught short, thinktank warns
Big costs, no benefits to UK’s replacement for EU chemical regulation
Industry warns small volume chemicals could no longer be sold in the UK
Rejection of Brexit deal causes alarm across science community
Fears that UK could sleepwalk into a ‘no deal’ EU exit damaging research funding and collaboration
More than half of EU scientists are thinking of leaving Brexit UK
UK science and engineering trade union survey finds 66% of its European members have considered leaving the country
Chemicals industry roundup 2018
Industry growth remains strong despite tariff disputes, political uncertainty and supply chain challenges
Pharmaceuticals roundup 2018
Merger deals, product approvals and infrastructure changes have been overshadowed by political uncertainty, in Europe and around the world
UK science minister resigns in protest at Brexit deal
Sam Gyimah cites exclusion of the UK from the Galileo satellite navigation system as a ‘foretaste’ of the problems Brexit will bring the country
Lords criticise post-Brexit regulation plans
Current lack of preparedness risks ‘cliff-edge’ on exit day, committee warns
Nobel laureates warn of dangers of hard Brexit to science
Failure to reach a deal could threaten funding and international partnerships
£50bn chemistry SME sector under threat from Brexit
Access to skills and funding ‘crucial’ to protect sector’s long-term future
‘No deal’ Brexit guidance fails to reassure UK chemical industry
UK government issues guidance on chemical regulation and patent law if the UK leaves the EU without agreement
‘No deal’ Brexit would leave UK science staring down the barrel
Government guidance on impact of leaving EU unprepared paints a worrying picture for research and medicines
Science in Europe
The UK’s scientific relationship with Europe must survive and thrive after Brexit
Britain ready to pay to stay in Euratom and EU research programme
Prime minister lays out vision for UK science after Brexit
UK government urged to prioritise science in Brexit negotiations
There is still uncertainty over future access to funding and the free flow of talent