Ten periodic tables you really should know about

A picture showing a detail from the St Catherine's College newly commissioned periodic table

Source: © Phillip Broadwith/Royal Society of Chemistry

For the International Year of the Periodic Table we’ve rounded up some of the most interesting tables out there

150 years ago, the periodic table was just a few ordered lists of element symbols and atomic masses hastily scribbled by Dmitry Mendeleev on the back of an invitation to a cheese factory. It is fair to say it’s come a long way since then, evolving through countless tweaks, revisions and updates into a thing of beauty that is instantly recognisable to scientists and non-scientists alike.

It would be impossible to count all the times it has been reimagined and recreated over the years. But what better time than the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT) to look at some of the most notable examples? Here are a few that have caught our eye.