Sustainability – Page 6
Loofah-structured hydrogel could help meet global clean water demands
Hydrogel water purification technology goes from a curiosity to a contender through a change in its structure
Metal–carbon catalysts made from plants can break down plastics
Soil remediation study sees researchers develop method for converting low-density polyethylene into liquid hydrocarbons
Study says UK underestimated offshore methane emissions from oil and gas activity
Research adds to consensus that most countries don’t really know how much methane they are releasing into the atmosphere
Resource conflict likely to expand as world heads into ‘low-cooperation era’
Critical metals such as cobalt and vanadium could be fought over in the near future, World Economic Forum report claims
Plastics need a complete redesign to make them easier to recycle, researchers argue
Thousands of chemicals used in plastics makes creating a truly circular economy far harder
Assembling the UN’s new panel on chemical waste
Discussions are underway to agree funding, goals and procedures to create an IPCC for pollution
Citizen science project investigates what happens to biodegradable plastics in compost heaps
Testing the biodegradability of plastic through citizen science
The roadmap to a sustainable future for polymers
The RSC’s polymers in liquid formulations task force is laying out the innovations needed to deliver biodegradability and circularity
How to support a sustainable, socially responsible supply chain
Economic, environmental and regulatory factors are driving changes for the chemicals industry globally
Catalysing change: innovative solutions for greener chemistries
New ligands are enabling the enormous potential of cross coupling reactions to solve challenges in a range of industries
Driving the transition to sustainable air travel
Drop-in replacements for aviation fuels are an essential part of decarbonising the industry
Ethoxylation gets long chain surfactants to dissolve at ambient temperatures
System could be used to cut amount of surfactant required for washing detergents
Polymer chemistry poised to make plastic waste traceable
Researchers suggest how science can work with the law to tackle plastic pollution
Is this the future of bioplastics upcycling?
Learn more about chemical methods for a new route to active upcycling of PLA
Feeling inspired: the innovations enabling next-generation cosmetic and skincare products
Ella Ceraulo shares her thoughts on the trends shaping the personal care industry
Next-generation ligands for complex coupling challenges
Improving phosphines for metal catalysis can deliver more efficient and sustainable syntheses
Creating bonds: science and sustainability through the lens of a synthetic chemist
How promoting sustainability and nurturing talent can help deliver science for a safer world
Hydrogenation enables efficient and sustainable chemicals production
WeylChem’s technology delivers flexible, reliable processes from custom projects up to large-scale manufacturing
New frontiers in synthesis for a more sustainable future
AstraZeneca’s collaborations with academia are essential to harnessing the latest technology in the pursuit of new and sustainable medicines
Twelve reasons for labs to go greener
How your lab can benefit from cutting energy, water and waste