All Article articles – Page 9
How biologics have changed the rules for pharma
The impact of the latest generation of drugs for the healthcare industry
Why you should become a Qualified Person
What it takes to assume this essential role at the heart of pharmaceutical manufacturing
The elements of future energy
The hydrogen-powered future is upon us. Preparing for it will require new technology – and chemistry is here to help
Design of experiments
Statistical analysis can accelerate development, reduce costs and increase manufacturing quality
Combating food fraud
Tackling the issue of food fraud in the industry requires equipping scientists with the right analytical tools and technologies
Creating carbon–carbon bonds via transition metal catalysis
Cross-coupling and metathesis reactions are powerful ways of making carbon–carbon bonds, the crucial links behind most organic compounds
Small particles making a big splash in clinical development
Nanoform is investigating how to tackle clinical attrition rates through nanonisation of APIs
Investigating multi-dimensional problems in drug substance development
Finding solutions to the biggest challenges faced during drug substance development relies on properly integrating analytical and production expertise
Celebrating the periodic table
Peter Wothers tells us about the first published version of Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table, currently on show in Cambridge
Better chemistry through data
Are you under constant pressure to innovate? Get a boost from data analytics
Pittcon 2019: the visible difference in laboratory science expositions
The Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania welcomes the 70th annual Pittcon.
The elements of business
2019 marks 150 years since the periodic table was devised, and what better way to mark the occasion than by celebrating the vital contributions that elements make to major industries today?
Tom Lehrer: The Elements Song, live in Copenhagen
Tom Lehrer performs his chemistry anthem before a live audience in Copenhagen, 1967
The Elements Song - Periodic Table of Videos
The chemists behind Periodic Videos with their homage to Tom Lehrer’s elements song
Tom Lehrer's Elements - Helen Arney
Helen Arney performs her updated version of Tom Lehrer’s elements song
Philip Ball: The Elements Song
Philip Ball updates The Elements Song for the International Year of the Periodic Table
Mary Archer performs the Elements Song
As part of the 2018 Imperial College London Athena lecture, Dame Mary Archer performs Tom Lehrer’s Elements Song
Strength through diversity
Why people should be at the heart of a forward-thinking contract research organisation
Instrumental innovators
Advanced mass spectrometry can help protect consumers from contaminants in food
Meet the next generation of science innovators
From metal–organic frameworks to enzymes, Johnson Matthey staff are working to make new discoveries