Planetary science – Page 6
Nasa probe sets off for Mars
Suite of instruments will investigate why the red planet’s atmosphere vanished, leaving it a drier, colder place
Dried lake bed on Mars ‘could have supported life’
Detection of compounds in varying oxidation states suggests bacteria-friendly chemical gradients might have once existed
Curiosity detect hints of complex organics
Mars rover picks up chlorinated hydrocarbons on the Red Planet, but are they native or did they hitch a ride?
No methane on Mars, says Curiosity
Rover takes first sniffs of the Martian atmosphere and doesn’t find methane, a signal of possible life
Cheers as Mars x-ray spectrometer delivers rock data
Chemical analysis shows Mars geology may have more in common with Earth than previously thought
Curiosity – searching in vain?
NASA’s latest Mars probe is set to land this weekend, but the question remains of whether it is able to detect the signatures of life
Inflatable mushroom gives spacecraft a gentle landing
Nasa test of inflatable heat shield is a showcase for materials technology
Where did Earth’s water come from?
Study of meteorite isotope ratios suggests Earth’s water was delivered by express asteroid rather than comets