Polymers – Page 11
Hydrogel boosts power of self-cooling solar panels
Material that sucks water from air increases solar cells’ performance by up to 19%
Six-month validation behind polymer that prevents biofilm growth
Zwitterionic surface could cut infections by repelling bacteria
Addressing the plastics problem
Sustainability must be fully incorporated into material design
The plastic sorting challenge
Before we can recycle many plastics, they must be sorted into separate streams. Angeli Mehta finds out how
Spectroscopy from space lets satellites spy out ocean plastic patches
The technique could show where and how floating plastic patches form, and raise awareness of plastic pollution in the oceans
Plastics and pandemics
The Covid-19 pandemic is our top priority but the plastic problem isn’t going away
Reducing plastic waste in the lab
It’s time to confront the amount of plastic that’s thrown away by scientists each year
Chemically stable membrane sieves molecules from multiple solvents
Janus pore design and solvent-resistant support behind efficient organic solvent nanofiltration system
Taking responsibility for waste
How well are companies that produce and use plastics living up to their duty?
Nanocomposite mouthguard highlights early signs of tooth decay
Material stops fluorescencing on contact with volatile sulfur compounds produced by decay-causing bacteria
Plastic recycling heading for the mainstream
Nina Notman talks to some of the companies launching chemical recycling technologies for single-use plastics
Chemists amid coronavirus: Liang Zhang
Everything changed for a young chemist in Shanghai when Covid-19 hit while he was away visiting family to celebrate the Chinese New Year
The birth of the polymer age
Mike Sutton unravels Hermann Staudinger’s long hunt to understand macromolecules, which began 100 years ago
Autocatalytic process sees amine droplet degrade bulk polymer
Rare example of a tiny local stimulation generating a macroscopic breakdown
Engineered neurons synthesise their own conductive polymer coating
Cell-specific electric stimulation could help be used with bioelectronic prostheses or treat diseases like epilepsy
Polymer innovation with computational chemistry
Join us for this Schrödinger sponsored webinar on polymer innovation with computational chemistry
Light-responsive liquid crystal gel crawls, walks, jumps and swims
Material inspired by sea slugs could find use in soft robots
3D printing the future
Kit Chapman takes a tour of a US Department of Energy lab, where 3D printing is performed on a massive scale