All Chemistry World articles in September 2022
View all stories from this issue.
Contribute to defeating malaria
The Medicines for Malaria Venture needs new compounds for screening and more chemists to join its open-souce drug discovery project
50 years of artemisinin
Jamie Durrani tells the story of how a wonder drug against malaria was discovered from a plant in a secret Chinese military project
A citizen science app for teaching botany
App-based tools support botanical literacy and citizen science
Nature-inspired crop protection
Plant extracts, proteins and pheromones aiming to replace conventional chemical pesticides
Soil searching
Rachel Brazil talks to the scientists trying to understand – and improve – the health of the planet’s soil
The plant trade’s scientific secrets
Growers are using advanced techniques to mass-produce the next trendy houseplant. But Katrina Krämer finds that collectors’ demand for new varieties has also opened the door to deception and fraud
Letters: September 2022
Readers celebrate apprenticeships, near-miss reporting and plants in urban areas
September 2022 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the September 2022 print issue of Chemistry World
Ethical decisions in the workplace
Employees who feel secure should challenge unethical employers on behalf of their colleagues
Afghan scientific expertise scattered, one year on from Taliban takeover
Afghanistan’s research infrastructure may be idling, but students and researchers who managed to escape abroad continue their work and plan to return to help rebuild their homeland
Angela Russell: ‘We have to not be afraid of failing’
The medicinal chemist on thinking like a scientist and knowing where you want to go
The chemists leaving their country over personal ethics
Family matters and political views are leading researchers to pursue careers abroad
Integrating coding into chemistry helps science progress faster
Taking a beginner Python programming course can lead to big efficiency gains
Rocket-powered carbon dioxide conversion
Barton Blakeley is lowering the carbon footprint of silica and other materials
First organic magnesium electride is stable at room temperature
Molecule has potential in redox reactions, as it’s highly soluble in organic solvents and easily stored in a glovebox
J&J to phase out talc-based baby powder worldwide
In the face of thousands of lawsuits, firm will switch to cornstarch-based formulations