Spectrometry – Page 2
Newly discovered marine compound is in a super-carbon-chain league of its own
Isolated from algae, Benthol A has 35 stereocentres
Peering inside a working battery
Characterisation techniques have reached the point where they can monitor in real-time what’s going on inside a battery. This is the way to a better battery and a more sustainable world.
Li-ion battery electrolyte degradation characterization by mass spectrometry
Join us to learn how to streamline your battery research
Pointing the tools of atmospheric chemistry inside
US team monitoring air quality in an on-campus gym detects chemicals in the air that come from cleaning products reacting with sweat
Linking chemistry with surgery to detect cancerous cells in situ
Livia Schiavinato Eberlin explains how her team has developed a hand-held device for surgeons that analyses tissue samples on a mass spectrometer mid-operation
UK reaches the gigahertz NMR level – behind other nations
New instruments push the limits of this vital analytical technique – but other countries are already reaching even higher fields and frequencies
Mass spectrometry and augmented reality guide tumour removal in real time
Colour pixels help surgeons differentiate between cancerous and healthy tissue
Your new labmate does 700 reactions in eight days – and it’s a robot
Robotic chemist optimises water-splitting photocatalyst by working continuously for eight days even in complete darkness
How to quickly identify impurities in plastic materials
Using chemometric analysis of attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy helps scientists pinpoint impurities in recycled plastic streams
Engineering a green approach to analytical chemistry
Six decades of industry insight and research partnerships inform Waters’ green analytical chemistry
2D chromatography for precision polymer analysis
How comprehensive 2D chromatography helps scientists hit polymer analysis sweet spots
Serendipitous experiment on xenon complex reveals insights into rare gas interaction
Experiment and theory combo gives benchmark for predicting non-covalent complexes
Behind the revolution: mass spectrometry
Technological advances in mass spectrometry (MS) during the past century empower scientists to perform research applications in the life, chemical and material sciences
The indomitable Toshiko Mayeda
Matthew Shindell traces one female scientist’s story from an internment camp to studying the chemistry of the solar system
Pittcon 2020: the clear advantage in laboratory science expositions
The US city of Chicago will host the 71st annual Pittcon conference and expo in March
Mass spectrometry: Manchester to Michigan
Non-targeted analysis, data science and innovation have synchronised to underpin the next generation of separation science analysis in mass spectrometry. LECO UK’s separations science product specialist Alan Griffiths explains
Londinium Romans’ blood lead levels so high they may have lowered birth rates
Heavy metal’s levels were more than 70 times higher than pre-Roman populations
Ion mobility spectrometry: the future of pharma analysis
Ion mobility spectrometry is transforming the field of biomolecule research, with Waters technology at the forefront of this vital analytical innovation
Ammonium bicarbonate trick enables sophisticated lipid analysis
Tandem mass spectrometry method can distinguish lipid isomers
Nanowires become smallest-ever spectrometers
50–100µm devices are small enough to squeeze into smartphones – but must first become easier to make into arrays