Computational chemistry – Page 18
Common sense, the Turing test, and the quest for real AI
To produce thinking machines – or even just machines that we think are thinking – we first need to understand exactly how we think.
Digital transformation: fuelling innovation in the chemical industry
Discover how advances in digital technology are transforming the chemical industry
Virtually chemistry
Gaming-style tech is putting the fun into fundamental molecular simulations
Future chemistry: exploring the possibility space
Find out how to accelerate discovery by understanding vast and complex chemistry problems with visual and predictive data modelling
Chemists reinvent the wheel
Symmetrical gold and niobium cluster with unusually short Nb–Nb bond
Equation to end bond order contention
Comprehensive equation derives bond orders from quantum chemistry calculations
Algorithm modelled on Google’s AlphaGo beats chemists at their own game
Organic chemists prefer routes plotted by software to those of other chemists
A 3D periodic table?
Molecular frameworks could offer whole new perspectives on our chemical world
Algorithm deliberately entangles MOFs
Tool tests for plausible crystal structure combinations
Small data unpicks complex interactions
Machine learning models complex physical systems with sparse datasets
Computational chemistry: a virtual reality?
Computers are getting better at modelling chemistry. But there are still many challenges to overcome.
‘New era’ of designer proteins for medicines and materials
Platform computed thousands of stable designs for short proteins, up from two previous designs
Humans come out second best against efficient robot chemist
Chemists aren’t out of a job but the robot did perform well when it came to discovering and creating giant self-assembling structures
Amplifying intelligent drug design
This year’s Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the year is Andrew Hopkins of start-up Exscientia and the University of Dundee, UK
Neural network predicts bond energies like a pro
New computational method learns how to estimate bond energies as well as a trained synthetic chemist
Scientists get charged up over titanium dioxide
Groups debate usefulness of conventional +4 titanium oxidation state compared to +2.5 charge state
Anion confounds expectations with its electron-loving nature
A boron cluster is the first example of a dipole-distinguishing electrophilic anion
Will machine learning allow robots to take over?
How machines are adapting to solve chemical problems