The science of food – Page 22
Quick and cheap test to detect horse meat
Scientists develop test for meat authentification using a benchtop NMR machine
Chemistry World podcast - December 2014
How nitrogen can make green explosives and why molecular communication might produce chatty nanobots
US approves low acrylamide spud
The first genetically modified potato that produces less acrylamide has been granted approval in the US
Public health is the bottom line
To safeguard society, regulators must be free from the influence of industry interests, says Martin Pigeon
US states reject GM labelling laws
Oregon and Colorado vote against labelling genetically modified produce, after multimillion dollar campaigns by food companies
Modelling mastication
3D computational model of human chewing predicts food breakdown and flavour release
DNA 'barcodes' used to track food
Milk has been successfully tracked as it is turned into cheese and yogurt in an advance that could fight food fraud
Magnesium chloride
It may have no common name, but as Brian Clegg explains, magnesium chloride has many common uses
Cyanide test for cassava
Colour changing system indicates if developing world staple is ok to eat
Making light of food allergies
Pulsed light treatment improves protein digestibility whilst retaining functionality
Cupcake chemists
Bakery beginners Ann Gardiner and Kerri Elston talk to Yfke Hager about leaving the lab to create chemistry in the kitchen
Big name coffee chains drawn into acrylamide fight
Starbucks and other coffee chains are being sued in California by a non-profit that wants carcinogen labels slapped on their drinks
Sodium alginate
When Brian Clegg’s acid reflux strikes, he knows he can rely on help from this compound: Sodium alginate
It reeks of rotting fish but finds use in a range of applications - Jenna Bilbrey introduces trimethylamine
Chemistry World podcast - September 2014
We speak to Paul Clarke about the challenges of natural product synthesis and discuss the pros and cons of perovskite solar cells
Illuminating test measures fat in milk
Fluorescent probe has much to offer the dairy industry