Polymers – Page 19
One pot recipe for incompatible catalytic transformations
Polymer micelles isolate two catalysts that don’t get along to transform alkynes into chiral alcohols
Pressure brings liquid marbles to a sticky end
Researchers strive to make glue that you can handle
Click chemistry creates precision polymers
New synthesis technique allows the length and stereochemistry of artificial polymers to be controlled
Antifreeze polymer protects cells as they thaw
Simple synthetic polymer found to enhance cryopreservation of red blood cells by inhibiting ice crystal growth
Single polymer pill could deliver entire drug course in one go
Flexible elastomer ring springs open to stay in stomach and could slowly release drugs over days
Leather gets a new perfume
Scientists in India have developed a way of infusing leather with lemongrass oil
Ultra-thin membranes for solute separation
Polyamide filters just a few nanometres thick could help cut energy bills in chemical plants
Chemistry World podcast – June 2015
What makes food sweet? How do we protect against food alteration? New e-paper, and possible treatment for ebola
UN sets its sights on marine microplastics
Scale of the problem means no simple solutions exist to tackle plastic particles already in the world’s oceans
Polymers curl up and take control
Single polymer chains can be shaped into globular nanoparticles to mimic nature’s catalysts
Floppy polymer defies convention to form rigid framework
Hybrid metal–organic frameworks could be engineered with a whole set of new properties
Plant-inspired plastics take shape
Polymer that responds to multiple stimuli could bring shape-shifting plastics a step closer
Plastic waste entering world's oceans set to double in 10 years
Model finds 8 million tonnes of plastic rubbish makes its way into seas every year and much of it remains unaccounted
Europe mulls laws to tackle microplastic scourge
Move follows call by five EU states to ban microplastics in consumer care products
Spinach chlorophyll activates polymer production line
Light energy channelled into biomedically useful molecules
Swellable polymer sponges up CO2
‘Knitted benzene’ polymer network outperforms commercial carbon dioxide sorbents under harsh conditions