Toxicity – Page 4
Neonicotinoid exposure could be harming mammals
Deer study suggests the toxic effects of these pesticides may not be limited to insects
Air on board diesel trains is five times worse than beside a busy street
Ultrafine particles and soot linked to lung cancer are massively elevated in carriages pulled by diesel engines
It made Robert Bunsen seriously ill, Michael Faraday thought it 'barbaric' to use in battle and even Fritz Haber – the 'father of chemical warfare' – abandoned it after a fatal accident in his lab. This week, Mike Freemantle tells the story of tetramethyldiarsine, otherwise known as cacodyl.
The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution – and How We Can Fight Back
Gary Fuller details myriad forms of air pollution from the pea soup fogs of mid-20th century London to eye-burning ozone smogs in modern day Los Angeles
Film: The Devil We Know
The story of an industrial waste dumping scandal, the effects of which have persisted for decades
Fipronil responsible for historic honeybee die-off
Researchers conclude the mass death of honeybees in 1990s France was caused by the pesticide fipronil, not a neonicotinoid
Banned persistent pollutant still threatens half of killer whales
PCBs in world’s oceans could drive most contaminated populations to extinction
Tool to navigate chemical space aims to be ‘Google Maps of drugs’
Software allows links between 8000 drugs and 47,000 compounds of environmental concern to be explored in 3D
UN’s non-toxic targets unlikely to be achieved
The United Nations’ goal of achieving a ‘poison-free environment’ by 2020 won’t be met, Sweden’s chemicals agency warns
Persistent pollutants push polar bear penises to breaking point
Bear penile bone study found higher risk of brittleness linked to ingestion of toxic chemicals
European risk assessment slams neonicotinoids
EFSA analysis confirming harm to bees could lead to an outright ban on the pesticides
State ban renews debate on harmful pesticides in India
Punjab’s action outlawing 20 pesticides is part of a nationwide re-evaluation
Database offers free access to previously secret chemical data
ToxicDocs allows users to retrieve millions of internal corporate and trade group pages on chemical toxicity
Alarm sounded over three organophosphate pesticides
US fisheries agency concludes that chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion are highly toxic
Roundworms transfer nanoplastics to offspring
Study finds that nanoparticles translocate to gonads of model organism and can end up in next generation
Unexpected reactions during printing could have health implications
Surprising chemical differences between toner powders and particles emitted by printers
Single mutation keeps lethal frog from poisoning itself
Poison dart frogs are resistant to neurotoxin because of modified sodium channel proteins
Flat phosphorus flagged as potentially toxic
Material with promising biomedical applications damages cell membranes and generates reactive radicals
Heavy metal's revenge
Climate change could see levels of toxic mercury rise again even as the world cuts emissions
Ocean chemistry was responsible for 2015 Monterey Bay disaster
Unusual balance of nutrients allowed algae to build up high concentrations of neurotoxin