Biology – Page 13
Cultured meat flexes its muscles
Rebecca Trager examines an emerging industry that is growing ‘meat’ outside of animals using cell lines cultivated in bioreactors
Why AlphaFold won’t revolutionise drug discovery
Protein structure prediction is a hard problem, but even harder ones remain
Teixobactin’s two pronged antibiotic attack mechanism revealed
Understanding of formation of deadly supramolecular structures could help build improved antimicrobials
AlphaFold has predicted the structures of almost every known protein
Google offshoot DeepMind has released more than 200 million predicted 3D structures, covering nearly the entire protein universe
Theories on origin of enzymes’ catalytic power united
Transition state stabilisation and ground state destabilisation both reduce the energy barrier by enhancing charge density but vary in their timing
Mystery of how plants make strychnine solved 75 years after characterisation
Three-quarters of a century after Robinson and Woodward cracked structure chemists unravel poison’s biosynthesis
Renewable rocket fuel made by genetically engineered soil bacteria
Bioengineered bacteria synthesise extremely energy dense cyclopropane chains
Alzheimer’s, amyloid and abandoned antibodies
Biogen’s aducanumab is stumbling into obscurity. Where does that leave the amyloid hypothesis?
The odour of amity: how you smell can predict friendships
Strangers who smell alike tend to form an instant connection with each other on first meeting
Encapsulated bacteria show promise as injectable living drugs factories to treat diseases
Engineered E. coli produce insulin and vaccines in vivo
From prebiotic soup to fine-grained RNA world
Theories about how life emerged need to be closely attuned to conditions on the early Earth
Light-activated cancer treatment uses tumour-targeting enzymes to cut side effects
Enzymatic activation of a photosensitive prodrug in cancerous cells shows promise in mice
Fossil molecules reveal dinosaurs’ bird-like metabolism
Thioethers preserved in bones show that most dinosaurs were warm-blooded, though T rex may have been particularly sluggish
Breaking bacteria’s genetic silence to synthesise antibiotics that evade resistance
Prospecting in bacterial genomes offers hope in search for new antimicrobial drugs
Gene therapy showcases technique to extend life in mice
Lab mice lived significantly longer after receiving one of two genes, delivered using a mouse herpes virus
What is the future of Covid-19 pharmaceuticals?
Firms anticipate long-term markets for prevention and treatment
An idea that clicked
Bioorthogonal reactions – doing chemistry inside living cells without blasting everything in sight – are no mean feat
Carolyn Bertozzi: ‘Shooting hoops is very meditative’
The celebrated chemical biologist who dreamed of being a rock star before inventing the field of bioorthogonal chemistry