All carbon articles – Page 2
New carbodiphosphoranes break superbasicity record
Chemists overcome synthetic challenges to make uncharged carbon molecules that sit at far end of THF basicity scale
New form of pure carbon made by manipulating atoms
Elusive 18-carbon ring pinned down on surface
Air on board diesel trains is five times worse than beside a busy street
Ultrafine particles and soot linked to lung cancer are massively elevated in carriages pulled by diesel engines
Should I help make fullerenes if people are going to eat them?
The ethics of getting involved in products with unproven claims
Calculations suggest octahedral carbon clusters more stable than expected
Carbon nanostructures containing four-membered rings are energetically competitive with fullerenes
Dwarf planet Ceres turns out to be extra-carbony
Asteroid belt’s largest object, thought to be a piece of rock, contains up to 20% carbon
‘Break it to make it’ reaction to diversify drugs structures
Carbon–carbon bond breaking reaction might make chemists rethink how they build molecules
Three negative charges crammed onto carbons in a single molecule
The first organic tricarbanion pushes the number of negative charges in one molecule to its limits
First atomic images of mysterious ocean carbon
Atomic force microscopy reveals structures of deep ocean’s organic compounds
Carbon bubble-wrap could be packed with interesting behaviour
Theoretical chemists devise nanoscale version of satisfyingly interactive packaging material
The many lives of carbon
Dag Olav Hessen leaves no stone - or diamond - unturned in his account of element six
Longest carbon–carbon bond yet pushes chemistry to its limits
Steric strain creates bond longer than theory thought possible
Carbon nanospheres power up potassium batteries
Improved synthesis of hollow carbon nanospheres sees them used in novel battery
Shortest double-walled nanotube made
Cyclic aromatic compounds assembled into Russian doll complexes expand menagerie of curious carbon structures
Changing climate to wreak havoc on Mediterranean soils
Soil organic carbon predicted to plummet over next 60 years lowering agricultural productivity
Theory put into practice as new class of superbase created
Carbon–phosphorus double bonds give extra basic molecule its super strength
Model predicts graphene to melt at 6000K
Monolayer graphene could survive on the surface of the sun
Anvil cell squeezes carbon into hexagonal diamond
Team makes rare diamond only ever found before in meteorite craters
A nanocarbon revolution
Twenty years on from the Nobel prize for fullerenes chemists pay tribute to the field Harry Kroto helped to launch
Telescope detects ionised carbon in early galaxies
Dust discovery reveals youthful universe went through a rapid process of evolution
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