All Chemistry World articles in February 2022
View all stories from this issue.
Mechanochemistry set to expand availability of organomanganese reagents
Ball milling method avoids problems surrounding solution-based chemistry when synthesising arylmanganese nucleophiles
Drilling deep to discover the secrets of the mantle
Nina Notman hears from the scientists trying to pierce the Earth’s crust below the seafloor to learn more about our home planet
Driven to succeed in automotive chemistry
Ashley Ogden is the only female chemist and innovator at LINE-X, and hopes to inspire more women and girls to follow her into Stem
Because it isn’t there
Why do chemists do what they do? The underlying philosophy for many of us is the same as it has been for centuries
Sticky: The Secret Science of Surfaces by Laurie Winkless – Book club
Delving into the mysterious science of surfaces
Jim West’s marvellous microphone
Ainissa Ramirez highlights an African American scientist who created one of the most used technologies of our modern age, but whose name is barely known by the general public
A call for open science student leaders
Crowdsourcing talent for project coordination, data management, communication and dissemination
Letters: February 2022
Readers investigate June Lindsey’s legacy, question policy and celebrate vaccination
February 2022 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the February 2022 print issue of Chemistry World
Better skiing through chemistry
While elite sports have been improved by materials science, for disabled athletes the developments can be life-changing. Aisha Al-Janabi reports
Zafra Lerman: ‘I used art, music, dance, drama, poetry, animation, anything’
The influential science diplomat on teaching chemistry through the arts and doing almost impossible things
The shadow of drug resistance
Why do some medicines stop working, and can we avoid it for Covid-19 antivirals?
When scientific conferences went online, diversity and inclusion soared
New data show that female attendance at virtual science and engineering meetings grew by as much as 253%, and gender queer scientist attendance jumped 700%
The conference conundrum
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, is it time to rethink events for good?
A transition metal handyman
Using nickel templating to promote a large molecule for organic electronics
Unbend the spirit of science
New research reveals racial profiling among scientists of Chinese descent and the consequences for the US scientific community
Fire during riots exposes environmental impact of improperly stored agrochemicals
UPL accused of illegally storing hazardous chemicals that were released after arson attack at South African warehouse