Nanomaterials – Page 3
Counting charge on a single nanoparticle
Electron holography enables new insights into catalytic particles
Core–shell nanomaterial enhances electrochemical ammonia synthesis
System combines two materials to balance activity and selectivity when reducing nitrogen to ammonia
Quantum dot matrix printer creates 3D structures
Nanocrystals used as 3D printer ink, without the need for an organic matrix
Double heptagon-containing fullerenes produced by low pressure combustion
Study finds identical nonclassical fullerene cores can created by separate processes
Combining expertise to develop remote-controlled nanomaterials
Beatriz Pelaz explains how her research tackles bionanomaterials from multiple angles
Chemistry Nobel laureate Robert Curl dies at 88
Curl’s passing means that all three scientists who won the 1996 chemistry Nobel prize for discovering fullerenes are gone
Record-breaking rotaxane prepared on polymer bead
Polystyrene beads decorated with 1014 rotaxane molecules
Graphene-like structure created from a fullerene
2D material synthesised from nanocluster fullerene for the first time
Molecular machine drills holes in antibiotic-resistant bacteria killing them
Bacteria aren’t able to develop resistance against nanomotor’s deadly action
Large flakes of unusual 2D carbon allotrope made for the first time
Move over graphene, say hello to graphyne
Public perception of nanotechnology can quickly turn sour
Policymakers and scientists should consider the risks of uninformed twitterstorms
Discovery of microplastics in people raises difficult questions about health implications
Scientists keep finding tiny polymer particles in lungs, blood and placentas – but what does that mean means for people’s health?
Japanese and Spanish–Swedish teams named joint winners in world’s smallest car race
Nanomachines reach speeds of almost 44nm per hour
Microscopy unveils piece-by-piece formation of 2D covalent polymers
New results provide ‘fundamental insights’ on the growth of covalent organic framework monolayers
Nanotechnology for a healthier, cleaner world for all
Using novel polymer fluorophores to study, detect and treat life-threatening diseases
Making high quality, uniform nanodiamonds without the explosions
New method can make nano-diamonds for drug delivery, sensors and quantum computers without TNT
Moderna sued over Covid-19 vaccine-related patents
Arbutus and Genevant say lipid nanoparticles that protect mRNA infringe six key patents
Diversifying in two dimensions
Artisanal assemblies are opening up pathways to exciting and exotic phenomena
Double-layer hollow spheres catalyse syngas conversion into clean fuels
New catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch process exhibits exceptional performance and selectivity
New phenomenon ‘quantum friction’ explains water’s bizarre properties
Theory offers explanation why water behaves oddly when flowing through nanoscale carbon-based channels