Nanomaterials – Page 7
Odd 'entropic bonds' akin to chemical ones can form between nanoparticles
Simulations finds that ’bonding’ can occur in the absence of any electronic interaction
Supramolecular mask simplifies fullerene modification
Porphyrin structure makes it easier to perform selective reactions on fullerene substrates
Hydrogen bonding directs designer monomers into high quality graphdiyne wires
Alkyne and oxazole groups allow each monomer to form four hydrogen bonds with its neighbours
Chronic exposure to battery nanomaterial leads to resistant bacteria
Shewanella onedensis MR-1 adapts to media spiked with complex metal oxide nanoparticles
Mystery of whether or not kekulene is superaromatic unravelled after 41 years
Second-ever synthesis and first atomic resolution images of superbenzene reveal its electronic nature
Single-atom catalysis
Single atom and hierarchical nanopore catalysts are reducing the need for precious metals, and could clean up the energy and chemical industries, finds Andy Extance
Cryogenic properties could promote silkworm fibres into space exploration
Combination of intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms allows silks to retain both toughness and ductility at extremely low temperatures
’Blackest black’ ever made is 10 times darker than previous record holder
Serendipitous discovery produces darkest material in existence using carbon nanotubes
Large gold nanoclusters are surprisingly stable paramagnets
An odd electron makes the magnetism
Nanoscale graphene sheets folded into atomic crêpes
Atom-thick sheets stacked with precise twist angle and tubular edge could be made into quantum nanomachines
Nanowires become smallest-ever spectrometers
50–100µm devices are small enough to squeeze into smartphones – but must first become easier to make into arrays
New form of pure carbon made by manipulating atoms
Elusive 18-carbon ring pinned down on surface
Self-threading monomer provides protection for carbon nanotubes
Strategy assembles three-component nanostructure with nanoscale precision
Selective graphene membranes could invigorate carbon capture technology
Concept shows promise as a way to sidestep the energy penalties of numerous industrial separations
Self-assembling ‘buckybowls’ inspired by virus capsids
Football-like molecules could be used in drug delivery, catalysis and synthesis
HexagonFab cracks nanomanufacturing for pocket diagnostics
HexagonFab’s founders say their graphene-based sensors are set to become the lab tests that don’t need a physical lab
Liquid magnet takes shape as ferrofluids hold their attraction
Fluids could find uses in drug delivery or robotics
Shrinking process generates uniform carbon nanotubes
Researchers contract carbon nanotubes down to their theoretical limit
Microdroplets’ chemical wizardry could have given life a helping hand
Droplet reduction may shed light on puzzles of the prebiotic era and offer a new way to do green chemistry
Profile: Oxford nanoSystems’ heat transfer coatings
Nanospiked coatings drastically increase heat exchangers’ efficiency and can be applied after manufacturing