Biotechnology and bioengineering – Page 12
Rogue Chinese scientist to be punished for creation of first gene-edited humans
Investigation uncovers forged ethical approval documents
Nanodecoys lure and trap Zika virus
Gelatin nanoparticles camouflaged by mosquito membrane mop up virus and stop it crossing placenta
Pore-forming toxins detect long strands of DNA
Lithium electrolyte helps aerolysin overcome electrostatic obstacle to detect ssDNA longer than 100 nucleotides
Gene-editing put in the spotlight
What now after a rogue geneticist has created the first genetically modified humans?
Fears of regulatory backlash in wake of gene-edited babies scandal
Chinese scientist behind birth of twins with edited DNA shows little remorse for his actions
Suspicions of bacteria’s role in rotting wood finally proven
Bacteria have been thought to be involved in breaking down lignin for 40 years but evidence has been hard to come by
Surface chemistry for biological questions
Rasmita Raval discusses her career exploring the complex behaviour of molecule–surface systems and what it has to do with antibiotic resistance and the origin of life
Breaking the silence of RNA interference drugs
A wave of treatments is set to follow the first approval of an RNAi therapy
Drug precursor made by solar-powered cyborg yeast
Indium phosphide nanoparticles supply electrons for shikimic acid synthesis
Levulinic acid
How one footballer's climate concerns led to the creation of a green chemistry company: the story of Mathieu Flamini, GFBiochemicals and levulinic acid.
Bacterial factories rival petrochemical route to nylon building block
Significant step towards sustainable commercial route for producing glutaric acid
Cancer immunotherapy spreads rapidly
New approvals and expanded use for checkpoint inhibitor drugs illustrate the power of Nobel-winning science
Pentagon’s pursuit of insect-delivered genetic modification of crops prompts warnings
French and German scientists worry that Darpa programme may violate the biological weapons convention and inadvertently start a new arms race
‘Chemists dismissed us as being too biologically focused’
How directed evolution winning the chemistry Nobel is going to change my field
What is directed evolution and why did it win the chemistry Nobel prize?
If you’ve got questions about yesterday’s chemistry Nobel prize then we’ve got answers
Chemistry Nobel prize awarded to pioneers of directed evolution
Top science gong recognises groundbreaking work that has harnessed evolution to produce biofuels and drugs
Hepatitis C drug lead designed to target virus RNA
Gene-to-RNA-to-medicine pipeline possible thanks to technique that reveals interactions between RNA and small molecules
Novel fatty acids have exceptional lubricant potential
Chinese oilseed plant offers opportunities for industry
Crispr-edited crop research could be crippled by European court ruling
Warnings that European court’s decision will setback crop biotechnology for a decade
Reverse liquid sieve lets only large particles pass
Soap film that retains smaller particles while letting bigger ones through could be useful in open surgery or water-free toilets