Imaging and microscopy – Page 2
Diamond capsules allow ambient analysis of high-pressure samples
Crystalline forms of argon and neon can now be analysed using techniques that would previously have been impossible
Rich chemistry revealed by tip microscopy pulses’ bond making and breaking
Using an STM, scientists have been able to precisely switch between three different molecules, opening the way to multiple selective transformations
Synthesising molecules and memories
Scientific adventures start with the support of an inspirational supervisor
Pepto-Bismol compound’s structure unveiled after 120 years
Electron microscopy triumphed over x-ray crystallography as century-old structural puzzle around bismuth subsalicylate is finally solved
Nanotechnology for a healthier, cleaner world for all
Using novel polymer fluorophores to study, detect and treat life-threatening diseases
Advanced microscopy tests 60-year-old mechanism of ethylene polymerisation
Researchers have produced ‘remarkable images’ of the polyethylene production process
Vibrational spectroscopy distinguishes different diffusing isotopes
Scanning transmission electron microscopy-based method tracks graphene growth with atomic precision
New microscope makes tracking chiral molecules in live cells possible
The instrument uses circularly polarised light to tell left- and right-handed species apart and monitor them in space and time
Chemical ecosystem of Murchison meteorite molecules revealed in snapshots
Atomic force microscopy proof of principle test shows technique is up to the challenge of chronicling chemical diversity in extra-terrestrial samples
Diels-Alder reaction directly observed under the microscope
Simple ring-forming reaction followed on a surface for the first time using scanning probe microscopy
Molecular Newton’s cradle challenges theory of transition states
Nanoscale trick-shot sees fluorine atoms knocked along chain
Molecular cryo-EM discovers error in 25-year-old natural product structure
Nobel prize-winning biomolecule imaging technique adapted to characterise chemical compounds faster and easier than NMR and x-ray
Machine-learning tool performs stereochemical assignments on SPM images
Identifying chiral centres on SPM images with machine-learning tools only takes a few hours and could save researchers time
Observing the life and death of a single excited-state molecule
Individual pentacene’s triplet lifetime – and how it is cut short by a nearby oxygen – measured with atomic resolution
Computational technique brings protein images into focus
Localisation algorithm breaks AFM resolution limits
Acidity of a single hydroxyl group measured with atomic precision for first time
Functionalised AFM tip used to assess the acidity of individual OH groups on an indium oxide surface
‘Molecular drone’ that carries off atoms points way to speedier atomic control
Phthalocyanine derivative leaves vacancies in surface
Molecular ‘compass’ traces van der Waals interactions within a zeolite
The tiny device consists of single hydrocarbon molecules trapped in the channels of a zeolite