Imaging and microscopy – Page 3
Molecular cryo-EM discovers error in 25-year-old natural product structure
Nobel prize-winning biomolecule imaging technique adapted to characterise chemical compounds faster and easier than NMR and x-ray
Machine-learning tool performs stereochemical assignments on SPM images
Identifying chiral centres on SPM images with machine-learning tools only takes a few hours and could save researchers time
Observing the life and death of a single excited-state molecule
Individual pentacene’s triplet lifetime – and how it is cut short by a nearby oxygen – measured with atomic resolution
Computational technique brings protein images into focus
Localisation algorithm breaks AFM resolution limits
Acidity of a single hydroxyl group measured with atomic precision for first time
Functionalised AFM tip used to assess the acidity of individual OH groups on an indium oxide surface
‘Molecular drone’ that carries off atoms points way to speedier atomic control
Phthalocyanine derivative leaves vacancies in surface
Molecular ‘compass’ traces van der Waals interactions within a zeolite
The tiny device consists of single hydrocarbon molecules trapped in the channels of a zeolite
Molecular firing range allows surprisingly specific bond breaking
At energies equivalent to temperatures of several thousand Kelvin fragmentation is unexpectedly precise
Explosive imaging captures helium dimer’s wave function
Technique could provide insight into other exotic states
Microscopy technique enables detailed imaging of nucleation process
Phase-enhanced environmental SEM allows researchers to probe droplet and bubble formation
Fluorescent molecule breaks size record for green-emitting dyes
Study identifies 14-atom fluorophore with range of potential biological applications
Direct observation of the transition state
The mystery of precisely what happens when one chemical reacts to form a new one is now being revealed in ever greater detail
Manipulation of matter at the atomic level
In the first in our series looking at chemistry’s holy grails from 25 years ago we examine how matter can now be controlled at its most basic level
Nanotubes enable first atomic-scale observation of nucleation’s baby steps
Single-walled carbon nanotubes and transmission electron microscope used to watch tiny metal crystals form in real time
Molecular state switching technique offers insight into reactions’ complexity
New technique offers exceptional chemical control
How does hair blunt steel blades?
Electron microscopy reveals how hairs chip and crack stainless steel blades while shaving
Mechanical force used to trigger isomerisation in 3D molecule
An atomically sharp scanning tunnelling microscope tip has been used to control the isomerisation of a butterfly-shaped compound
Proteins pinpointed in cells at nanometre resolution
Combining fluorescence microscopy and electron tomography will reveal more about how cells work and how diseases disrupt them
Amazing slow motion video catches hydrogen flames going fractal
The clean fuel can combust with potentially devastating beauty in narrow gaps when mixed with air