Analytical chemistry – Page 14
Record NMR shift in metal-bound phosphorus
Second record for iron complex as chemical shift beyond –10,000ppm discovered in phosphorus atoms directly bound to the metal
First fluoronium crystal solves structure controversy
X-ray analysis of elusive cation finally proves it to be a symmetric near-covalent structure, not a carbocation
Heavy metal proteins are the secret weapon in ant bites
Protein-rich biomaterials containing zinc, manganese, copper and bromine allow ants, crabs and scorpions to pack more punch for their size
The future of ‘next generation’ DNA sequencing
As it gets cheaper and easier to read genetic code, its applications are expanding rapidly
Flip battery sideways for NMR studies
By turning button batteries on their side they can be studied by nuclear magnetic resonance without removing their metal casing
Machine learning accurately predicts RNA structures using tiny dataset
Development could lead to better understanding of RNA and new medicines
Overreliance on cryocooled protein structures may compromise computational structure-based drug design
Scientists behind first of its kind study encourage more researchers to analyse protein structures at room temperature
US intelligence can’t agree if Covid-19 came from an animal or a lab
After months of investigation agencies remain divided on most likely origin of Sars-CoV-2
How a single ingredient creates silky smooth chocolate without tempering
Natural phospholipids trigger cocoa butter crystallisation into glossy, tasty, melt-in-the-mouth chocolate
Shedding light on Nazi-era uranium cubes with modern nuclear forensics
US team are using radiochronometry to confirm their authenticity and origins
Actinium’s radius revised to solve cancer therapy mystery
For decades, scientists have been using the wrong ionic radius for one of Earth’s rarest element
First crystal structure of bleach in its 200-year history
X-ray structure of chemistry staples hypochlorite and hypobromite recorded for the first time
Tusk isotopes reveal a mammoth’s life
17,000 years after its death, scientists use strontium analysis to trace animal’s movements throughout its 28-year life
Molecular cryo-EM discovers error in 25-year-old natural product structure
Nobel prize-winning biomolecule imaging technique adapted to characterise chemical compounds faster and easier than NMR and x-ray
How the power of smell could identify new medical tests
Diagnosis by odour is nothing to be sniffed at, finds Ian Le Guillou
Insulin as a murder weapon
Forensic experts can tell if high insulin levels have a natural or criminal cause
Giant crystal lattice is mesoporous but not a MOF
Non-covalent network has the largest unit cell among non-MOFs
There was more than simple oxygen depletion to ancient mass extinction event
Thallium isotopes reveal that rapid swings in ocean oxygenation preceded the events that wiped out 90% of species 250 million years ago
Discover the possibilities with the new multi-sample Discovery X3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Discover how to improve sample throughput and provide greater confidence in your differential scanning calorimetry results
Machine-learning tool performs stereochemical assignments on SPM images
Identifying chiral centres on SPM images with machine-learning tools only takes a few hours and could save researchers time